Overdue Letters

There are four standard default Overdue Letters available in TRUX. Reminder, Suspension Notice, Cut-Off, and Legal Action. Prior to producing Overdue Letters, there are requirements in Customer Explorer and Company Settings to enable and review. Overdue letters can be produced as a group or individually in Account Inquiry. The Overdue Letters can be produced for Output by print, email or export file. Once Overdue letters are produced, they are included in the Log Report. Also see Letter Samples and Related Topics.


Preceding Requirements


Customer Explorer


Customer Explorer>Details

  • Enable Overdue Letter checkbox for customers permitted to receive an overdue letter when necessary.
  • For customers that should not receive an overdue letter, the Overdue Letter box should remain blank.
  • The Overdue Letter checkbox can also be enabled or disabled in Account Inquiry and the setting will transfer to Customer Explorer and vice versa.


Customer Explorer>Contacts

  • Enable the Overdue Letter notification checkbox for the contact with the email address to receive the overdue letter.
  • Customer level contacts for Consolidated and Separate A/R Customer accounts.
  • Site level contacts for Separate A/R Site accounts.


Company Settings



Overdue Letters For Future Customers

  • Enable the Overdue Letters checkbox to allow the Overdue Letter to automatically be selected when new customers are added.
  • If Overdue Letters checkbox is not selected in Company Settings, then new customers added will not have the Overdue Letter enabled.


Overdue Letter Name Change (Optional)

  • The standard or current Overdue Letter Names 1-4 are listed at the bottom of the screen.
  • Manually remove and re-enter the Overdue Letter Name(s).
  • Save.


Overdue Letters



  1. Enter Starting and End Customer Number for a specified customer or range.
  • Default 0 to 999999 will consider all customers.
  1. Select Aged Date.
  • This is the date an invoice is aged as of. 30, 60, 90 or over 120 from the invoice date.
    • Example: Invoice Date=January 1. The selected Aged date=February 1.
    • The January 1 invoice would be aged 1 day over 30 days since January has 31 days putting the invoice into the 31-60 day aging category.
    • Therefore, this invoice would qualify for the 31-60 day Overdue Letter. (Reminder Letter if using the standard letters).
  1. Select Transaction Cut-Off Date.
    • This is the Cut-off Date for considering payments and adjustments made to an invoice balance.
      • Example: The transaction cut-off date is January 31.
      • The Overdue Letter will calculate the outstanding balance based on payments and adjustments as of January 31.
      • Payments and Adjustments made after January 31 will not be considered.
  2. Review Aging Categories.
  • Each of the four letters by default will print according to each of the Aging days 31-60, 61-90, 91-120, 120-150.
  • The Aging Categories can be manually changed within Overdue Letters.
    • As an Aging Category Day is changed, each of the following Aging Days Categories will automatically adjust.
    • See the example below. The Aging To Days in the first category is changed to 66 Days. The following Aging Category automatically changes to 67.

  1. Enter a Minimum Balance.
  • Outstanding balances below the Minimum Balance will not be considered for an Overdue Letter.
  1. Exclude If Invoiced in __ days. (Optional).
  • Accounts that were billed in the number of days entered will be Excluded from an Overdue Letter.
  1. Select an Account Status.
  • All: All accounts will be considered.
  • Active: Only active accounts will be considered. Closed and Suspended accounts will be excluded.
  • Closed: Only closed accounts will be considered. Active and Suspended accounts will be excluded.
  • Suspended: Only suspended accounts will be considered. Closed and Suspended accounts will be excluded.
  1. Select Print Sequence.
  • Numeric: Overdue Letters will print in customer number order.
  • Alphabetic: Overdue Letters will print in alphabetic order by customer name.
  • Mailing Address Zip/ Postal code: Overdue Letters will print in zip or postal code order.
  1. Review Tax Jurisdiction Grid.
  • All tax jurisdictions are included by default.
  • Modify the tax jurisdictions to be included or excluded as needed.
  1. Review Customer Type Grid.

  • All customer types are included by default.
  • Modify the customer types to be included or excluded as needed.
  1. Review Billing Cycle Grid.
  • All billing cycles are included by default.
  • Modify the billing cycles to be included or excluded as needed.


Overdue Letter Output

Overdue letters provides a selection of delivery methods. Each option is detailed below.


Create File

  • Creates and exports a comma delimited file of the Overdue Letters details by customer and site.



  • Overdue letters will be emailed to customers with an email address and statements selected in the Customer Explorer> Contacts.
  • Accounts without an email address and statements selected in customer explorer>contacts will not generate an Overdue Letter.



  • Preview of Overdue Letters.
  • Export in a different file format.
  • Toggle Group Tree. Groups by Customer Number and Site. Click on the customer to view the associated letter.
  • Scroll between pages.
  • Search by Text Find.
  • Zoom in and out.



  • Overdue Letters will print for accounts without an email setup in customer explorer>contacts.
  • If Overdue Letters are found for accounts with an email setup for statements will send the message below.
    • Click Yes to print Overdue Letters for 'Emailed' accounts.
    • Click No to skip these letters.


Sample Overdue Letters



Overdue Letter From Account Inquiry

Overdue letters can be created for an individual account directly from Account Inquiry.

  1. Click Overdue Letter.
  • If the Overdue Letter button is unavailable, verify the Settings for Overdue Letter box at the bottom right section of the screen is checked.
  • Changing the Overdue Letter setting on or off will update the Overdue Letter setting in Customer Explorer as well.
  1. Select an option to Preview, Print or Send To (Email).
  1. Select the Overdue Letter Title. The example below displays the default Overdue Letter Titles (Reminder, Suspension Notice, Cut Off, Legal Action) which can be modified in Company SettingsClosedCompany Settings>Accounting .



Overdue letters that have been printed or emailed will be included in the Logged Activities Overdue Letter Log Type Report.

  1. Select the Start and End Date.
  2. Select Log Type: Overdue Letter.
  • All Overdue Letters printed or emailed during the dates selected will populate the grid.
  1. Select an output to generate a report.
  • Log report will include date and time, user, terminal, customer/site and output type.


Global Suspend

Print Customer Statements

Account Inquiry Account Maintenance